MAPS: 2019 Edition

Lit Allsorts’ sixth publication, Maps, is NOW AVAILABLE online FOR FREE here: Maps

This edition includes poetry and fiction to creative non-fiction, accompanied by photographs and black-and-white sketches.

Lit Allsorts is a non-profit platform for 13-19-year-olds to showcase their writing and visual art. This edition hosts a guest piece by an 11-year-old.

Do SHARE this zine and spread the word around! However, please respect the effort we have put into this zine by giving us credit for our art: if you would like to use a portion of the zine for education/other purposes, please email to obtain the express permission of the editor (Fara Ling) and writer/artist involved first.

FEEDBACK and QUESTIONS are very much appreciated! Email them to or leave a message at the page @Lit Allsorts on Facebook.


Fara Ling

Founder and Editor