
Lit Allsorts is a small-scale zine dating way back to 2015, born out of the vague notion of putting together a teen magazine with a literary focus. Contributors to Lit Allsorts are 13-19 year old teens who love books, language, and the way words make pictures on a page, in one’s head, or on one’s tongue. Alongside creative writing, Lit Allsorts also hosts artwork and photography.

Maps is Lit Allsorts’ latest publication-project. After Maps, Lit Allsorts publications will halt for the time being. Until its reinvention, this initiative will rest. And it couldn’t have had a better send-off — in recent months, Lit Allsorts on Facebook reached over 500 people, dizzying all-time highs.

Lit Allsorts has grown, taken new shapes, and reached new audiences thanks to readers who circulated the zine; writers and artists who contributed their ideas, hard work, and support; and family and other kindred spirits who gave generously of feedback and advice.

It’s been a pleasure.


Fara Ling
Founder and Editor
FB: Lit Allsorts

June 2019

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